2500 homes to be built on Longcross site


On top of plans for an energy waste plant and a development at Virginia Water train station, Developer Crest Nicholson wants to build the homes in Longcross and a business park on the former MOD site in Chobham Lane. Crest Nicholson had outline permission from RBC to develop the former MOD site near Virginia Water.  Local residents are concerned that Crest Nicholson aim to close Burma Road and the footpath linking Virginia Water to Longcross Station and Chobham Common.

There are 2,500 homes set to be built between now and 2026 at Longcross with 40% being built as affordable housing and a large number of flats also being developed. There are supporters to the former MOD site being commercially develop in terms of the jobs it will create. But there are concerns for the population with the possibility of around 5,000 people moving to the area, which could cause problems with roads, schools and shops.

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Virginia Water, Surrey, UK